The magic element in a construction project is providing a great customer experience. Great communication is key to any successful construction project. But, what is it exactly? It’s a lot more than being nice to your customers. Customer experience is defined by interactions between a client and a construction contractor throughout their project relationship.

Interaction can include cultivation, advocacy, communication and service. It’s about doing the right thing, even if it isn’t the easiest thing. It’s about being proactive and attentive in order to strengthen customer relationships. It’s about really being able to listen and understand your customers. Here are 5 reasons why customer experience is so important to construction projects. 

1. Happy customers weed out the pack.

There are many highly qualified options to get the services you want these days, and construction is no exception to this rule. Choosing which option to go with can often feel overwhelming, whether you’re a homeowner remodeling a kitchen or a large business staring down a major construction project. You can narrow down your selection by choosing a company that has a line of happy customers.

2. Happy Customers are Loyal Customers. 

Loyal clients are earned. The happier the client, the more likely they are to return time and time again. It’s fundamental of any business that a loyal customer is worth their weight in gold, especially in an industry as competitive as construction. Clients want to have a good experience, and finding a company that is reliable and earns loyalty and speaks volumes about the company.  

reasons why customer service is important for construction

3. Better Crisis Management.

Even the best well managed job can hit a few snags along the way. How this is handled is a big part of the customer experience. Great customer experience is hinged on trust. You want the company that you hire to find a resolution to any crisis as quickly as possible with the least amount of impact to the overall job, trusting that you and the project are well cared for.

4. A Clear Vision of the Project.

A vision that is clearly communicated with the construction team and the customer is crucial. Having a clear defined vision of the project is having peace of mind. Customers need to rely of the builder’s full competency for that peace of mind and a clearly defined vision of the project from start to finish establishes this foundation.

reasons why customer service is important for construction

5. Feedback in Real Time.

Feedback along the various stages of a project are essential. Questions answered and education along the project’s journey go a long way to mitigate confusion and communication mishaps. Things like change orders are a normal part of construction, and explanations as they occur are helpful for understanding them instead of seeing them at end of the project. Any uncertainties along the way are best managed in real time.

Customer satisfaction is important in nearly any industry, and the same is true in the construction industry. Today’s homeowners are evaluating contractors on a positive customer experience not just the quality of the product. Hiring a construction company with great customer service skills helps to prevent breakdowns in communication not only with you the customer, but with other suppliers and vendors, ensures that doing business with them is an overall great experience with even better long lasting results.